Click on "Tournaments" from the navigation menu.
Click on "Organizing" in the top menu of the "Tournaments" page and select the specific game to see the list of organized tournaments.
Select a tournament and click on "Brackets" from the top menu.
Click on the match you wish to aggregate, and click on "Get Result Data" in the upper right corner to link match data.
If a stat token has not been entered, you will be asked to enter it when linking data.
If there is an error in the "Apex ID" entered by the participant at the time of entry, the match data may be mismatched in some cases.
When the data for K, A, D, PF, and rank are in the red box, a data discrepancy has occurred.
Click on the "Show Linked Data" button that appears in the relevant team box where the data discrepancy occurs.
The Apex ID set at the time of entry of the player with a mismatched data in the team will be displayed. Click on the player to see the list of players in the match with which the data was linked (the player with the mismatched data). Click on the correct player and select the "Apply" button to resolve the data discrepancy. The player's Apex ID will be overwritten with the correct ID when the discrepancy is resolved.
The team ranking will be reflected after the data discrepancy is resolved for all teams except the reserve team.
After the match results, including "Get Result Data," have been reflected, click the "Save Match Results" button at the upper right of the match table on the "Brackets" page to save the results.
You can finalize the data even if there are items that have not been entered. You can also edit the data after saving, but not after the tournament is over.
After saving the Match Result, you can edit it by clicking the "✏️ Edit" button in the upper right corner of the match table on the "Brackets" page.
However, you cannot edit after the tournament is over.
If special rules are used (e.g., handicap rank match), you can manually change the points earned by a team after data linking.
Select the match you wish to modify on the "Brackets" page, and place the cursor over the right-most column "Points" of the team to display the "✏️" button.